Group Obedience Classes

Grow you and your dog's bond through group classes!

To reserve a spot in a group class, prepayment is required to save your spot.

Puppy 101 (5.5 months old and younger)

You're a new "parent" congratulations! This 7-week course is for you and your puppy to experience a great time of learning together. This class is each week on the same day and same time. The class will cover puppy manners including sit, down, leave it, stay, loose leash walking and foundation recall. Puppy essentials, including house training, chew training, learning to like being handled, and preventing behavior problems.

Puppy socialization is very important early in your puppy's life. From 7 weeks to 5 months of age, your puppy goes through a socialization period that permanently shapes his future personality and how he reacts to things in his environment as an adult. Gently exposing him to a wide variety of people, places, and situations now will make a huge, permanent difference. The idea of socialization is helping your puppy to become acclimated to all types of sights, sounds, and smells in a positive way.

Cost of class: $155 for all 7 weeks - Prepayment Required

Current Classes:
February 27th, Instructor Sophie. (FULL)

Upcoming Classes:
March 31st, 7:15 PM. Instructor, Olivia. (FULL)
April 7th, 12:00 PM. Instructor, Sophie. (FULL)
April 17th, 5:15 PM. Instructor, Sophie.
May 14th, 6:15 PM. Instructor, Sophie.

Puppy 201

This will be a 6 week course where your puppy will keep advancing in the stuff they are learning. This class is each week on the same day and same time. We will work on adding distractions to their basic obedience and the duration to their stays. We also will slowly add distance to all of the obedience they know.

As our puppies are getting older we will help our puppies learn impulse control when it comes to dogs, people, food and toys! We will keep you guys learning together as a team to keep your puppy well-mannered and well socialized.

*This class requires graduation from puppy 101/kindergarten.

Instructors: Sami Jo Menning, Sophie Dekkers, Delaney Hefty, Olivia Ladner

Cost of class: $140 for all 6 weeks - Prepayment Required

Current Classes:
February 25th, 6:15 PM. Instructor, Olivia.

Upcoming Classes:
April 8th, 6:15 PM. Instructor, Olivia.
June 9th, 7:15 PM. Instructor, Olivia.

Basics 101 (dogs older than 6 months)

Basics 101 will give you a wide variety of obedience tools to help you improve the quality of life you experience with your dog. During this 7 week course your dog will learn to master many commands dogs need to thrive! This class is each week on the same day and same time. Class includes instruction on look, sit, down, stay, walking, place, leave-it, recall, waiting at doorways, meet and greets, and tricks.

We can love our dog without loving all of their choices. Class also covers a variety of problem behaviors. You will gain tools to help reduce or eliminate many problem behaviors including barking, chewing, digging and behaviors that you are struggling with.

Class is guaranteed to be a fun way to meet other pet parents all while socializing your dog!

Instructor: Sami Jo Menning, Sophie Dekkers, Delaney Hefty and Olivia Ladner

Cost of class: $155 - Prepayment Required

Current Classes:
February 17thth, 6:15 PM. Instructor, Olivia.
February 24th, 7:15 PM. Instructor, Olivia.

Upcoming Classes:
April 7th, 6:15 PM. Instructor, Olivia.
April 24th, 7:15 PM. Instructor, Olivia.
June 12th, 6:15 PM. Instructor, Olivia.

Basic 201 (All Dogs Who Have Completed a Basic Obedience Class)

This 6 week class for dogs who graduated from Basics 101, now we can start having fun with expanding our knowledge! We will be extending our dogs training with more obedience and adding in distance, duration and distractions! During this course there will be obedience at higher levels, games and field trips! This is the class to practice generalization with field trips. Pre-registration is required.

Instructor: Sami Jo Menning, Sophie Dekkers

Cost of class: $140 - Prepayment Required

Current Classes:
March 6th, 7:15 PM. Instructor, Olivia.

Upcoming Classes:
April 2nd, 5:15 PM. Instructor, Sophie.
May 1st, 6:15 PM. Instructor, Olivia.
June 5th, 5:15 PM. Instructor, Sophie.

Recall Class

Does your dog need work with their recall? Coming when called is the most important thing a dog should know and respond to! This class is specially made just for you building the recall of your dog. We cover motivating games to practice, teach you tips on how to proof your recall and more!

Your dog must be food motivated and ready to learn!

Instructor: Sophie Dekkers

Cost of Class: $100 for 4 weeks.

Upcoming Class:

Advanced 301 / CGC (All Dogs Who Have Completed 201)

This class was made to show off all the skills you have learned. designed to get you prepped and ready to take the Canine Good Citizen test. It is a great class and a great certification to have from the AKC. CGC shows your dog knows advanced obedience, aggressive free and ready to be a therapy dog or go into more dog sports. Basic 301 is for Basic 201 graduates who are ready for the next step. The steps in this class are great for each individual dog and to help get your dog towards your goals.

Cost of Class: $140.

Current Classes:
January 14th, 5 PM. Instructor, Sophie.

Upcoming Class:
April 2nd, 7:15 PM. Instructor, Sophie.

Urban Canine Good Citizen / 401

This test is for dogs who completed our Canine Good Citizen and want to do a public class! We will use local places around Sioux Falls to test obedience and present the AKC Urban CGC.

Cost of Class: $120 for 4 weeks.

Current Classes:

Upcoming Classes:
May 7th, 7:15 PM. Instructor, Sophie.

Group Class Game Changer

This drop-in class is for any previous or current training client. During this session we will use unique and fun games to build engagement and solid obedience. These games will be a way to compete, have fun and enjoy training with your dog in a welcoming atmosphere!

One class - $15
Limit 6 Dogs


Loose Leash Heeling Class

This is a 4 week long class that will be going over loose leash skills and walking nicely on a leash. We will be practicing distractions, proper reward and working on proper timing! This class is ideal for dogs and owners who want to perfect their loose leash walking skills.

Price: $120 for 4 weeks.

Upcoming Classes:

Prong Collar 101

Requirements: Dogs with past prong collar training from Paws.

This 4 week long class is all for dog's and their owners to work on loose leash walking with and without distractions. This is an educational class with practical examples, distractions and training for your dog to learn how to effectively work on a prong collar.
Proper Leash Handling is our main goal from this class!

Price: $120 for all 4 weeks.

Current Classes:

Upcoming Classes:

Reactive Dog Class

Requirements: Previous training client or a minimum of 2 private lessons.

This class is 4 weeks long with goals of building confidence, obedience and working on thresholds. It will be focusing on counter conditioning and proper desensitization. Class benefits any dog with reactivity stemming from over-arousal, insecurities or fear.

Price: $120
Limit to 4 students

Current Dates:

Upcoming Dates:

DROP IN SESSIONS (one time classes)
Price: $25


"Our pups officially graduated from 101 class! It was such an awesome program. Kellar and Penny learned a few great tools that we’ve put in to practice – place training, door etiquette, sit stays and leave-its. Taryn was fantastic! And the distraction of other dogs really helped elevate the training experience, too." ~Courtney Collen

"Paws have given Meeka & me a place to grow and learn. When I first got Meeka she would pull on her leash, didn’t know commands, had anxiety in her kennel. Sami Jo has helped Meeka in Basic 101&201 grow in her skill and given me the education I needed to know how to teach her to make her understand. We even were able to do private lessons to help teach Meeka her kennel is a safe place and minimize anxiety. It’s her home away from home. Meeka is always excited to go to training and daycare there and I am at ease knowing she’s well cared for." ~Jaclyn Claussen